Sign The Petition to Cancel the Licenses for the Hot Blend Plant in Birzeit

The Petition demands that the Birzeit Municipality Council meet immediately, revoke its license approval for the Hot Blend Asphalt (Bitumen) Factory Plant in Birzeit, close the location of the plant, and prevent/halt any further construction. An academic team from Birzeit University has confirmed what we know from many scientific studies around the world, hot blend asphalt plants wreak havoc on people and local environments. The asphalt plant currently being constructed in Birzeit is only 150 meters (approximately 500 feet) to the nearest home. When people inhale or ingest these toxic chemicals it increases the risk for cancer, central nervous system problems, liver damage, headaches, skin rashes, asthma, fatigue, reduced appetite, throat and eye irritation and coughing. Further studies indicate that ingestion of toxins from asphalt plants can also cause reproduction problems, birth defects, and may impact the immune system.

Step 1: Click the link to access the English petition:

Step 2: Share with your friends and community! Circulate circulate circulate.

Eyewitness Palestine