Tamimi Hospitality and Struggle


The Tamimi family graciously hosted all 30 of us at their home in Nabi Saleh. Ahed made international news at age 16 when she was imprisoned for slapping an Israeli soldier. To put this in context, Ahed's brother had been recently shot in the head, and her aunt killed, by Israeli soldiers. The military had placed several demolition orders on the Tamimi home (illegal orders under international law) and the incident occured as soldiers were invading the home. The Tamimis face frequent military raids and harassment, designed to force them from their land. Under Israel's law of absentee, vacated land may then be seized by the military, in most cases to be absorbed into the growing Jewish only settlements. The Tamimi family and many Palestinians we meet are finding creative ways to resist the occupation, using theater, film, visual art and in this case live video footage, to show the world what the occupation looks like.

Erica B.