Eyewitness Accounts, Photos, and More
Every delegation is a unique human journey. Each trip is an experiment in building transnational solidarity based on real human connections. Every experience is real, honest, heartfelt, and genuine. Since 2001, these have been the values that inform our work.
Check out previous Eyewitness Palestine delegations here.
“An Eyewitness Palestine delegation is the difference between living in two dimensions and three.”

Race, Class, & Money Delegation
June/July 2022
The Race, Class, and Money Delegation is Eyewitness Palestine’s 72nd delegation! It is more clear than ever that many countries around the world are capitalizing from the on-going occupation of Palestine. This delegation spent just time looking in-depth at the daily realities for Palestinians and the ways that race, class, and money have intertwined with the Israeli colonization of Palestine from the birth of this colonial conflict until today. Delegates connected with Palestinians and Israelis working in solidarity understand and undermine these dynamics.
Land & the Environment Delegation
May 2022
The Land and the Environment Delegation is Eyewitness Palestine’s 71st and our first since the COVID-19 pandemic. The delegation spent just over a week learning about the importance of agriculture to the Palestinian economy, culture, and as a form of self-determination. It also explored threats to the environment, Israeli exploitation of natural resources, and the struggle of Palestinian communities to maintain access to land, their homes, water and other resources, all in the face of forced expulsion.
Environmental Justice & Olive Harvest Delegation
October 2019
The 2019 Environmental Justice and Olive Harvest Delegation is Eyewitness Palestine's 70th journey for justice with Palestinian and Israeli peace-builders. The delegation focuses on the Palestinian harvest season and explores how Palestinian access to land and water is limited through illegal Israeli settlement infrastructure and Israeli military policy.
Community Arts and Resilience Delegation
August 2019
The Community Arts and Resilience Delegation explores the creative ways Palestinian communities employ arts and culture as a means of resilience and resistance.
All Eyes on Jerusalem Delegation
June 2019
One year after the US decision to move its embassy, the All Eyes on Jerusalem Delegation takes a special in depth look at the situation in Jerusalem including the effects of displacement and gentrification on the Holy City. The group also tours many other areas in Palestine/Israel and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.
The Palestine 2.0 Delegation
February 2019
The Palestine 2.0 Delegation explores current realities for Palestinians, including the repression of strategic organizing, the separation and segregation of the Palestinian population, and creative ways communities are continuing to resist. designed for returning travelers and experienced activists, the delegation is Eyewitness Palestine's 67th journey for justice with Palestinian and Israeli peace-builders.
Environmental Justice and Olive Harvest Delegation
Autumn 2018
The 2018 Environmental Justice and Olive Harvest Delegation is Eyewitness Palestine's 66th journey for justice with Palestinian and Israeli peace-builders. The delegation focuses on the Palestinian harvest season and explores how Palestinian access to land and water is limited through illegal Israeli settlement infrastructure and Israeli military policy.

No Bans, No Walls Delegation
Summer 2018
The 2018 No Bans, No Walls Delegation was Eyewitness Palestine's 65th journey for justice and the first to explicitly focus on the intersections and similarities between travel and access restrictions in Palestine/Israel and the United States. The delegation sought to understand the Wall and its associated regime of physical and legal barriers and connected with Palestinians and Israelis working for peace with justice.

Civil Rights and Social Justice Delegation
Spring 2018
The 2018 Civil Rights and Social Justice Delegation was Eyewitness Palestine's 64th delegation, and the second co-sponsored with the Center for Constitutional Rights. The delegation included civil rights and social movement leaders from North America and focused on the human rights situation in Palestine/Israel, including the history and system of inequality and discrimination, as well as local strategies of resistance and survivance.
Olive Harvest Delegation
Autumn 2017
The 2017 Olive Harvest Delegation was Eyewitness Palestine's 63rd journey. The delegation focused on the Palestinian harvest season and its deep cultural significance. Read eyewitness accounts from the ground, view photo and video content, and access select events and actions featuring members of this delegation.
Just Faith Delegation
Summer 2017
The 2017 Just Faith Delegation was co-sponsored by American Muslims for Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, and the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship. Read eyewitness accounts from the ground, view photo and video content, and access select events and actions featuring members of this delegation.
Incarceration, Detention and Political Prisoners Delegation
Spring 2017
The 2017 Delegation on Incarceration, Detention, and Political Prisoners was co-sponsored by Defense for Children International - Palestine and CODEPINK: Women for Peace. Read eyewitness accounts from the ground, view photo and video content, and access select events and actions featuring members of this delegation.
Olive Harvest Delegation
Autumn 2016
The 2016 Olive Harvest Delegation was co-sponsored by the Fellowship of Reconciliation which founded Eyewitness Palestine in 2001. The delegation focused on the Palestinian harvest season and its deep cultural significance. Read eyewitness accounts from the ground, view photo and video content, and access select events and actions featuring members of this delegation.
Indigenous and People of Color Delegation
Summer 2016
The 2016 Indigenous and People of Color Delegation examined questions of race and ethnicity within the context of Palestine/Israel. Delegates were activists and organizers in the Movement for Black Lives, indigenous activists from North America, undocumented immigrant rights organizers, Palestinian-American community leaders, and more. Read eyewitness accounts from the ground, view photo and video content, and access select events and actions featuring members of this delegation.
* read more at ifpb.org
Militarization and Pathways to Justice Delegation
Summer 2016
The 2016 Militarization and Pathways to Justice Delegation was Eyewitness Palestine's 58th journey for justice with Palestinian and Israeli peace-builders. The delegation explored Palestinian and Israeli efforts to achieve peace with justice.Read eyewitness accounts from the ground, view photo and video content, and access select events and actions featuring members of this delegation.
* read more at ifpb.org
Incarceration, Detention and Political Prisoners Delegation
Spring 2016
The 2016 delegation on Incarceration, Detention, and Political Prisoners was co-sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee. Read eyewitness accounts from the ground, view photo and video content, and access select events and actions featuring members of this delegation.
* read more at ifpb.org
EARLIER Delegations
Eyewitness Palestine was previously known as Interfaith Peace-Builders (IFPB). IFPB began in 2001 as a project of the Fellowship of Reconciliation and became an independent not-for-profit organization in 2008.
We changed our name to Eyewitness Palestine in 2018 so that we could better serve the movement for Palestinian freedom. Read eyewitness accounts and view photos from previous delegations on the IFPB website.