We Are Born Into Hope
“One of the women said the other day “we are born into hope” because otherwise we would cease to exist. ”
It is hard to pinpoint the exact emotions I experience when listening to Palestinians as they describe their lives and give context to what we see. One emotion is righteous indignation. But I also stand in awe of the people we have met. They are strong, determined, generous, kind. And they are hopeful. One of the women said the other day "we are born into hope" because otherwise we would cease to exist.
Yesterday we learned more disturbing details from Defense for Children International – Palestine, an organization representing children who are prosecuted by Israeli military courts in the occupied Palestinian territories. Palestinians can be prosecuted at age 12. Israelis often raid their homes in the middle of the night, blindfold and handcuff them, throw them on a metal floor in the van, surrounded by Israeli soldiers. These kids are not informed of their rights, for example the right to remain silent. They get interrogated without their parents or a lawyer being present. They are told that if they don't confess their family members will be arrested and their homes bulldozed, which sadly does happen. They are kept for extended periods of time without food, water, or access to toilets. And if the kids don't confess, they are put in administrative detention for six months. This is without a trial, without evidence, without lawyers. The times of detention can be indefinitely renewed without explanation or justification, so some of these juveniles are imprisoned for a decade or more.
For throwing a rock at a stationary object like a building, they can get imprisoned for two years. Throwing a rock at a moving target can get them imprisoned for 20 years!! Needless to say, none of this happens to Israeli kids. And settlers have been known to kill people without consequences. It is absurd that Israel claims not to be an apartheid state!!!
Today in Hebron we walked through the stalls in the market that now is only a fraction of the size it used to be before Israel blocked off several entrances. People here have to have wire mesh over the passage ways of the bazaar because Israeli settlers throw trash down on them. I knew about this before but it really pissed me off to see it with my own eyes!!
You have to dehumanize a people before you can throw your trash on them. Seeing them as less than human. It is astounding that this continues to happen...