Posts tagged South Hebron Hills
In the United States, Our Task is Clear

Everywhere daily life is constrained by endless barriers: physical, bureaucratic, economic. It is a comprehensive plan, a form of incipient state violence, that denigrates the Palestinian nationality, and is designed to suck the life force out of the people. Of course, it won’t; fascists never win in the long run. But it takes its toll.

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Reflections on Hebron

Throughout the West Bank Hebron has the reputation of having the most in-your-face examples of Israeli settlers attempting to stamp Palestinian society into the ground. We spent four days here, seeing examples of settler brutality and Palestinian resistance. It was simultaneously heart wrenching and inspiring.

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Wild Red Poppies and Sumud

Sumud is Arabic for “steadfast perseverance” and a description of the resistance we saw and heard about today from villagers from the Palestinian southern Hebron hills - from Susiya, to Al-Twani, to Saroura. The courage to live out - “To exist is to resist!” - requires Sumud when the Israeli settler-colonial empire brings so many expanding layers of violence.

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