
Kremena Accounts 1 Photo.jpg

Here Palestinians are forced out of their homes, Palestinian businesses are welded shut, and streets are given new names in Hebrew. Absentee property laws designed by the Israeli government dictate that the properties thus vacated can be confiscated and offered to Jewish settlers. According to the "present absentee law," the Israeli government can seize property even if the rightful Palestinian owners continue to live in the country. 

Here generations of Palestinians live in refugee camps. Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem houses almost 5,000 in a .027 square mile area. Water and electricity are scarce. At home and abroad, Palestinians make the largest refugee population. Here "home" means heart-ache and resilience.

Here Palestinians cross checkpoints to access their neighborhoods, communities, cities. There are 22 checkpoints and 101 movement barriers in Hebron alone. I watch my guide, a 15-year-old boy, denied passage through a checkpoint because the street on the other side is "not where he lives." Some checkpoints refuse passage to Palestinians altogether. I am told I must have my USA passport on me at all times.

Here the rules change all the time, nothing is predictable, and everything is devised to intimidate and dehumanize. 

Here there are occupiers and occupied.

Here apartheid rules in white and blue.