Fourth of YOU LIE

LandBack photo.jpeg

Rapid City, South Dakota

Nadya T., EP delegate, former Education and Advocacy Coordinator, and current LANDBACK campaign organizer, on the interconnection between #LandBack and various other liberation struggles across the globe: "As the US continues to fund displacement and ethnic cleansing in Palestine, we highlight that the first frontier of the fight against US imperialism was and is here on Turtle Island [the Indigenous name for the lands settlers came to define as the "US" and "Canada."] The fight for justice and LANDBACK is alive and well and it is growing. LANDBACK is the root of justice for what must come and it is the start of our collective demands."

Four activists out of Indigenous climbers representing 10 different nations from Turtle Island and Palestine were arrested for a powerful demonstration on the 100-ft Dakota Mills Grain silo on Lakota lands in Rapid City. In a powerful opposition to the ongoing process of settler-colonialism here and in Palestine, activists unveiled a massive upside-down US flag with the words LANDBACK across it. The action serves as an important reminder on how what is celebrated as a day of "independence" across the US is in fact a celebration of ongoing settler-colonialism and white supremacy, and it is only in challenging settler-colonialism and imperiaism across the world as well as right here that we can truly work towards freedom for all peoples. Follow @ndncollective for more information about the action and ongoing campaign!

#LandBack #FreePalestine #DelegatesInAction #RacialJustice

📸 @ndncollective