July 17 - 30, 2016

The Indigenous and People of Color Delegation featured activists and organizers in the Movement for Black Lives, indigenous activists from North America, undocumented immigrant rights organizers, Palestinian-American community leaders, and more.

Read eyewitness accounts from the ground, reports from meetings, and experiences with Palestinians and Israelis below.

Exclusive content is also available on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook under the hashtag #ifpb59.

The delegation built on Eyewitness Palestine's previous work, including our 2008 People of Color Delegation, and three African Heritage Delegations to Palestine in 2011, 2012, and 2014.  Like those programs, this delegation provided an intentional space to examine questions of race and ethnicity within the context of Palestine/Israel. 

Delegates were leaders in local, regional, and national movements for social justice, including the Movement for Black Lives, the undocumented student movement, the indigenous sovereignty movement, the Palestinian solidarity movement, and more. 

This delegation was Eyewitness Palestine's 59th, successfully exposing more than 1,100 people to the daily realities facing Palestinians in their quest for justice.

We believe in the power of eye-witness experience and transformation. Given the opportunity to speak directly with Palestinians and Israelis, delegates return to the United States better informed, more energized, and with a deeper understanding of the possibilities for true justice in the Middle East.



Photos From the Delegation

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Delegates in Action

Select events and actions featuring members of this delegation:

See more events and actions featuring Eyewitness Palestine delegates!

Eyewitness Accounts from the Delegation

We invite delegation participants to comment on and react to the experiences they have during our Israel/Palestine delegations in written Trip Reflections

Individual delegates contribute pieces to these reflections.  As such, reflections are not comprehensive accounts of every meeting or experience, but impressions of those things that most impact individuals.  Submitted reflections may be edited for clarity or brevity. Trip reports do not necessarily reflect the views of Eyewitness Palestine or delegation partner organizations.  We hope you enjoy reading and we encourage you to share these reflections with others.

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